Dysport Specialist

Need a Dysport Specialist?

Here are a few things to keep in mind when selecting a Dysport specialist to help you:

  • Dysport is primarily known as a form of wrinkle treatment. It’s a type of botulinum toxin that’s injected under your skin to still the targeted muscles. It’s considered noninvasive.
  • This procedure is primarily used for the treatment of glabellar lines, sometimes called frown lines, which are located between your eyebrows.
  • The injections relax muscles under your skin so the area becomes smoother.
  • The injections prevent the creation or deepening of wrinkles by restricting facial muscle movements.
  • Dysport should be used for moderate to severe cases of wrinkles only. It’s intended for adults under the age of 65.
  • To prevent pain, your doctor may apply a small amount of topical anesthetic. You might feel slight pressure from the injections, but the overall procedure shouldn’t cause any significant pain or discomfort.
  • The procedure itself takes minutes. Most of the time spent at your doctor’s office involves preparation. Unless any side effects occur, you can leave immediately after your Dysport injections are complete.
  • Your doctor will provide follow-up instructions. This includes a recommended timeline for redoing the procedure in a few months’ time.
Dysport Costs

Book a consultation with a Dysport Specialist in Santa Barbara

Evolutions Medical and Day Spa are Santa Barbra Dysport specialists with over a decade of experience performing Dysport procedures. Schedule a free consultation to discuss your options for safe dysport treatments by filling out this form